Cosmetic dentistry

Composite restorations

With the ever increasing demand for a perfect smile we are facing various professional challanges. They can range from very simple with only one colour to esthetically demanding ones when shades have to be blended.


  • Before-Kompozitne restuaracije
    After-Kompozitne restuaracije
    Pre intervencije Kompozitne restuaracije Posle intervencije

*Prevlačenjem kursora preko slike možete videti efekat pre i posle intervencije


These are thin layers of porcelain placed on the front surface of the teeth that are damaged, coloured, with irregular position, abraded or fractured or to close diastema. The main advantage of veneers is that they require minimal preparation and that is why they are the least invasive covers. Regular use of a toothpaste and floss are all that is needed for maintaining veneers.


  • Before-Viniri
    Before Viniri After

*Prevlačenjem kursora preko slike možete videti efekat pre i posle intervencije